146 results found
12 votes
Forming Socialutions by the people and for the people
Free eBook: Socialutions: Management Methods for the Social Era. Feedback welcome, Thanks
1 vote -
eliminate or down-size inaugural balls, citing the economy
people are poor and will be even poorer by Jan 20, so it would get great P.R. and make us all feel UNITED if nobody wasted money partying ... the word 'sacrifice' could be used, even. 'Start as we mean to continue!'
11 votes -
1 vote
Reform IRIS and EPA to protect citizens from carcinogens
Chemicals like petrachlorate are known carcinogens which remain unregulated by the EPA due to current IRIS process allowing the Pentagon to determine which chemicals to investigate and regulate. More information: http://www.salon.com/env/feature/2008/11/11/epa/print.html
1 vote -
Hook change.gov up to @barackobama on twitter
The administration needs to keep using Twitter. They should at least connect the change.gov feed to their twitter account. Simple enough.
8 votes -
Appoint someone like Lessig to advise on new media issues.
We're crippled by lobbyists from the MPAA and RIAA, and people like Ted Stevens being in charge of committees that oversee the internet and its uses. Instead of having MPAA lobbyists and "series of tubes" heads of government advising on internet and new media related issues, hire someone from the EFF or like organization to actually advise with experience and concern for the people, not a for-profit agency.
20 votes -
Educate American's on HOW our Financial Institutions Work
I think most needed these days is for our President to focus on Educating American's on the systems that control our every day reality. This should start with a lesson on our Financial Institutions and specifically, exactly who/what the Federal Reserve is, how money is added and subtracted from the system and exactly what a "Fiat Monetary System" is and how it effects the value of our currency both here and abroad.
21 votes -
Regime change at the US Mint
With each passing year, American currency is becoming more of a joke. The US Mint is squandering all of its design resources on creating commemorative coins, rather than appropriately modernizing the design of our currency. We need bills and coins that are simply designed with a clean and modern aesthetic. If done properly, United States currency will not only have value, but also be valued.
18 votes -
One bill, One purpose
Amend the constitution, or set a presidential policy for one bill, one purpose. So many pork projects and wasteful spending items get tacked onto other important bills to garner support.
One bill, one purpose means exactly what it says. If you're going to have an education funding bill, there shouldn't be military spending in it. If you're going to pass a security bill, there shouldn't be funds for a museum in Iowa in it.
If something can't pass on its own, it shouldn't pass. Period.
2 votes -
10 votes
Protect our soldiers from rape and sexual assault
The military has taken a permissive attitude towards sexual assault and rape of soldiers that has led to a startling increase in reported cases since the beginning of the Iraq war. Further, many soldiers traumatized by rape are then chaptered out of the military under the adverse chapter 13 "personality disorder" chapter. There are literally THOUSANDS of women being thrown away by the military for demanding medical or psychological care, demanding justice for their perpetrators, or demanding a safe environment on bases in the US and abroad. President Obama should act quickly to push legislation that would force the military…
10 votes -
Creating reall accountability in the public sector
With all the unelected officials having much of the power in the US, it's critical there is real accountability regarding the decisions they make. Don't let the government be a job for life - pay people well, respect their views and hold them accountable for their decisions.
1 vote -
Allow the people true power, to vote presidents out too
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy he's president. But the process sucks. Once we vote in someone, it's almost impossible to vote him/her out. The past 8 years prove that this process sucks and doesn't give the "power to the people." If Obama wants to do something radical, give us the power to vote him out (not that I want anyone to do that).
10 votes -
Change Congress
Lessig: "The flaw at the core of the People's House is dependency. Think of the dynamic of the dependency of an alcoholic. The alcoholic may be losing his family, his job, his liver, but we all know he will not solve any of those problems unless he solves his alcoholism first. It's not that alcoholism is the most important problem; it's just the first problem he needs to solve if he is to solve the rest.
There is no end to the problems that we as a nation face—from global warming to Iraq to the economy to media reform to…
14 votes -
Appoint entrepreneurs to the Economic Advisory Board.
A number of well known and highly respected business leaders and academics have been appointed to Obama’s Transition Economic Advisory Board, none of them has any practical experience in starting or growing a new business in the current economic clime.
President Elect Obama should both seek and have the input of people like those whose businesses will provide the catalyst for turning this recession around.
14 votes -
2 votes
Making welfare to be less about shame and more about pride.
So many people view welfare as a pit of quicksand. What if welfare were a stepped process and get some sort of financial bonus for staying OFF welfare for an extended period of time, or a financial bonus for completing vocational training.
11 votes -
Net Neutrality
One of Barack Obama's main tech-based promises was that of net neutrality. Don't allow the communications companies set the rules to what should be a free and open Internet.
6 votes -
Reverse the socialistic trend and encourage self-reliance
Our nation has been on the trail to socialism for a long time now. Socialism distorts values and encourages waste. Socialism puts money in the hands of those who do not know what to do with it.
By reversing our trend towards socialism will be a fundamental change and lead us towards true sustainable change and more prosperity.
4 votes
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