Dump the current stimulus package
Mr President.....please just exercise your authority. This Congress is a dinosaur! All the multi millionaires and career "hogs" dining at the public trough on our taxes need to be "led" not listened to by your administration.
Dump the current stimulus proposal,.take charge sir ,and just declare a moratorium on payment ALL income taxes for the balance of 2009.....
stop giving money to banks , wall street and states, create a temporary staff similar to the RTC of the 80s... finance the foreclosed homes and auction them off. Residential real estate is the real "backbone" of the US economy...support it at all costs.
The Banks, insurance companies. investment firms and the rest are only interested in "feathering their own nests and that of their shareholders....not the flotsam and jetsam like me who make this "democratic" experiment work. I suggest you sit down and read some history surrounding the founding of our nation. Meaning no disrespect.....you are the President.....be guided by your own sense of the peoples" needs not the "POLS" whipering in your ear.
To be more specific..distance yourself from Pelosi, Rangel, Frank, Dodd and those of similar ilk, who by the way should all be made to resign for their roles in creating and contributing to this fiscal crisis.