Virtual Public Schools
Not everyone can be the best teacher, but we can try to document the best teachers in the country and allow students the opportunity to telecommute to any of their lessons.
The Videos can be an award for outstanding teachers and we can give those teachers a huge national award, say for the best lesson on simple addition, multiplication, the Gettysburg address, etc... This library of videos and knowledge can then be used to either help train other teachers, or for students directly. Universities like MIT and Standford are experimenting with ideas like these by putting their coursework online, but I think the US can go one step further, and give say $100k to teachers that get voted as the best.
I think this would be a great way to recognize great teachers in the US, and to help educate people. If all of the content was released under CC, then that content could be remixed into virtual worlds as those platforms become more available, and the content could be added to site WikiPedia, or nibipedia.