Bring our troops home from Iraq
It's time to bring them home.

Anonymous commented
When Obama is finally exposed for what he is, all of these idiots that so desperately wanted to believe in this fairy tale will be sadly disappointed. there will come a point when Obama's Free Pass will expire.
Do you actually think that one man can rescure our country? And, do you think that one man can ruin it? Bush didn't force anyone to go into debt. Idiot. -
Anonymous commented
yeah Bush did it all by himself. The Democratic Dumbass Congress had nothing to do with it. RIGHT! You sound like the typical blind fool who fell for Obama's crap and voted for him. Just wait a year or so when Obama messes things up even more. You'll be crying in your free soup.
garyro commented
Yes, bring the troops home. After all, Mission accomplished. Bush owns any defeat by his arrogance and ignorance and deserves any blame. His team of blunderers mucked up about every item they touched from the war, the economy, education, disaster relief and more. History will do the ranking and I am sure Bush will rank poorly.
Anonymous commented
yeah, bring all the troops home, admit defeat, and create a power vacuum in the middle east where radicals that are worse than Sadaam can takeover Iraq.....GREAT IDEA DUMBASS!!