Free public wifi
Free public wifi in as many places as possible.

timcharper commented
Pardon - extra $80 / year, not month.
timcharper commented
Please, don't do this. It will create a government monopoly on ISP's, the quality will be less than optimal, and "free" is a deception.
Take the public libraries for example: I pay for our county library whether I use it or not. The library closest to me resides in another county, but if I want to use that library, I have to pay an extra $80 a month.
smoore commented
Wireless broadband is fine too, just make it free (and standardized). Not all these carrier-specific solutions that the less privileged can't afford.
mikemccaffrey commented
Sorry, but wi-fi is on its way out. Wireless broadband (whether 3G or EDVO) is already working at high speeds with much larger coverage.