Barack Obama Should Actually USE Twitter
BarackObama is currently the most followed user on Twitter. I think this makes for a great way for him to get out quick messages with his audience.
The problem is, HE is not Tweeting. His political campaign has. I suggest Obama gets on Twitter himself and give updates to people. Words of inspiration and hope and status on his initiatives.
Please see Gary Vaynerchuck's video on this subject:
A Barack Obama Supporter

Geektronica commented
Gotta agree that this idea is pretty stupid. The President's time should be spent making high-level decisions, not doing basic PR tasks like updating his Twitter status. He has people for that, and has more important things to do personally.
tuttlinghorn commented
last one
Also ... and here's one for ya ...... I am not a US citizen nor do I live in the US. But in this forum, my vote's as good as yours. Assuming this (uservoice) format gets subsumed into the communications strategy of the new administration, maybe they could base registration on a social sec number. Crazy if they dont.
Great idea though watch this plummet as the non-tweeters arrive .. -
tuttlinghorn commented
Though I love this, it is is open to 'moblobs'* - (imagine Avaaz or MoveOn direct their users on here to focus on one issue?) and means a higher proportional representation of tech-literate people.
Doesn't mean don't do it, just needs some smarter people than me to work through the snags.
*i.e. replicating the current system of lobbying, just easier to subvert -
rob commented
I'd hate to think of the president using Twitter. dalelarson's idea is much more reasonable. Have staffers reading and gauging opinion of this highly niche portion of America. But in no way would I want Barack spending any portion of his day reading tweets.
tuttlinghorn commented
Look how many followers he has and he is not even in office yet - I cannot see how he would be able to staff up to respond to all tweets. That's why there are local representatives - maybe whats needed is a many-many-one communication hierarchy : Citizen-Representative(n)-Leader : Using something like this (uservoice) allows aggregation of local requirements.
dalelarson commented
More importantly, have staffers reading and responding to incoming tweets so that people can interact with their president.